TRT clinic Waxahachie, TX - Balance Hormone Clinic

Introduction to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involves supplementing testosterone levels in men with low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism or "low T". As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, causing symptoms like low energy, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and depressed mood.

TRT can effectively treat "low T" by restoring testosterone levels, often dramatically improving these symptoms and overall quality of life. TRT is available in several forms - injections, gels, creams, and pellets - allowing men to choose the method that works best for them.

When administered properly and monitored by a knowledgeable physician, TRT is safe and effective. However, inappropriate testosterone usage can lead to side effects. Therefore, thorough lab testing, physical examination, and careful dosage titration by an experienced hormone specialist are imperative.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Many men with low testosterone are unaware they have a treatable medical condition. Here are common signs and symptoms of "low T" in men:

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Physical Symptoms

Emotional and Mental Symptoms

Sexual Symptoms

If several of these symptoms apply to you or a loved one, low testosterone may be the cause. Fortunately, TRT provided by a qualified hormone specialist can help restore normal testosterone levels, dramatically improving these symptoms.

Take control of your health, try TRT.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

When properly administered and monitored, TRT provides many benefits for men suffering from hypogonadism:

In summary, TRT can profoundly improve men's health, vitality, body composition, sexual function, and quality of life when correctly managed by an experienced physician.

Who is a Candidate for TRT?

Men experiencing hypogonadal symptoms along with abnormally low blood levels of testosterone are candidates for TRT. Symptoms of low T and lab testing for testosterone levels help determine who may benefit from TRT.

Lab testing able to diagnose low T includes total testosterone, free testosterone, bioavailable testosterone, and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). As testosterone declines during middle adulthood and beyond, TRT becomes appropriate for more men.

An experienced hormone specialist will interpret lab results along with evaluating symptoms to determine which men are appropriate candidates for TRT. Self-diagnosing and self-treating with testosterone is dangerous - accurate testing and medical expertise are imperative.

In general, TRT is indicated for men over 30 suffering hypogonadal symptoms concurrent with total testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL and/or free testosterone below 50 pg/mL. However, optimal reference ranges are controversial even among medical experts. An experienced physician assesses the entire clinical picture, not just lab numbers, in guiding TRT therapy.

TRT protocols must be individualized based on factors like age, health conditions, genetics, lifestyle, diet, and fitness levels. Expert physicians tailor therapeutic programs, including dosage, delivery methods, concurrent medications and treatments for the particular needs of each patient.

Interesting fact

Many TRT clinics now offer comprehensive men's health services beyond just testosterone replacement therapy, including weight loss assistance, IV vitamin therapies, sexual health treatments, and preventative care like Executive Physical exams to catch issues early. This expansion of services aims to help men proactively address their overall wellbeing.

Basics of How TRT Works

Testosterone replacement therapy works by restoring healthy testosterone levels, enabling benefits like increased lean muscle, reduced body fat, improved mood, enhanced libido, and higher energy levels.

There are a few main ways TRT restores testosterone:


Testosterone injections deliver fast-acting, long-lasting testosterone directly into the bloodstream. Injections include testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and testosterone propionate.

Levels peak 1-2 days after injecting, then decline until the next injection. This creates peaks and troughs. Appropriately timed injections sustain adequate testosterone levels.

Though safe when properly administered, injections have risks like bleeding, pain, infection, and scar tissue buildup.

Creams & Gels

Transdermal testosterone gels and creams apply directly on the skin, absorbing into the bloodstream. Gels and creams provide steady testosterone levels without harsh peaks and drops. Brand names Androgel, Testim, Axiron, Fortesta, and others.

Potential skin irritation and contamination risks require proper application and precautions.


Testopel pellets implanted under the skin provide steady testosterone levels for 3-6 months without fre

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